Paul Rinaldi, Trustee, Village of Tarrytown

Paul Ri­naldi, a Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­o­gist with a spe­cialty in ad­dic­tion, was elected to his forth term as Village Trustee on November 5th, 2024. He has lived in Tar­ry­town for 25 years and pre­vi­ously served on the Vil­lage Ethics Com­mit­tee for more than a decade. Paul cares deeply about Tar­ry­town and be­lieves that it is truly a spe­cial com­mu­nity be­cause of the com­mit­ment that res­i­dents have to the town and to the main­te­nance of the won­der­ful bal­ances that de­fine us as a vil­lage.